Sleeping peacefully

Slumber Solutions: Unraveling the Bedtime Mysteries of ASD

Hello, marvelous mums of the Aspie Whisperer clan! Tonight, we’re embarking on another journey through the twisty-turny world of ASD sleep issues. Buckle up, because we’re about to unravel some dreamland dilemmas and find our way to slumber success!

The Case of the Restless Sleeper

Does your little one toss and turn like they’re auditioning for a role in “The Great Australian Sleep-Off”? Restlessness can be a common issue for our ASD kiddos. Solution? Consider a bedtime routine that’s as structured as a Sydney Opera House performance – same time, same activities, night after night.

The Midnight Wanderer

Ah, the midnight wanderer – exploring the house like it’s the outback at 2 AM. To keep these nocturnal adventures at bay, safety-proofing the bedroom and using a nightlight can help guide them back to bed, like a trusty boomerang.

The Early Bird Who’s Too Early

Some of our ASD darlings wake up with the kookaburras – way before the crack of dawn. Gradually adjusting bedtime and using blackout curtains can help reset their internal clock. It’s like convincing them that the party doesn’t start until the sun’s up!

The Sensory Seeker’s Sleep Saga

For our sensory seekers, the bedroom can feel like a sensory jungle. Soft, sensory-friendly bedding and a calming pre-sleep routine can turn the jungle into a serene sanctuary. Think of it as creating a cocoon of comfort.

The Sleepless in Anxiety City

Anxiety can be a big bedtime bugbear. A worry journal or a chat about their fears before bed can help ease their mind. It’s like having a bedtime debrief to offload those pesky worries.

About the Author:

Brought to you by the Aspie Whisperer, a resource dedicated to supporting mothers with children on the Autism spectrum. Here, we blend expert advice with motherly wisdom and a touch of humour. Join our community for relatable insights and compassionate support.

Note: Always consult with a professional when implementing new strategies or tools for you or your child.

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