About the Aspie Whisperer

Welcome to Aspie Whisperer, a resource born from my heart and experiences. I'm Trudy Cahill, co-founder of Repploy ASD Services, a mother of a child on the Autism Spectrum, and wife to a husband with Asperger's Syndrome. This unique blend of personal and professional insight into autism shapes everything about this site.

It's my intention to provide a space where mothers can find understanding, guidance, and support. Having navigated the complexities of autism both in my child and husband, I bring a perspective that covers the full spectrum of this journey. From understanding the early signs to coping with the nuances of adult Asperger's, I've gathered knowledge and strategies to help you every step of the way.

Aspie Whisperer is more than a website; it's a community. It's a place where we share our stories, challenges, and triumphs. We delve into effective communication, educational advocacy, sensory sensitivities, and the importance of strong family relationships. My experiences have taught me the vital role each family member plays, and I've ensured our resources reflect this.

Navigating autism as a mother and a partner has its unique set of challenges and joys. Here, you'll find real-life stories, empathetic advice, and a network of support. And for the dads, our companion site, Dads of Aspies, offers a supportive space for fathers.

Join us in this journey of understanding, growth, and empowerment. At Aspie Whisperer, we're not just raising children with Autism; we're part of a larger narrative that embraces all aspects of neurodiversity. Welcome to our community, a place where your journey is understood, respected, and supported.