The ABCs of Education: Navigating the Secondary School System with Your ASD Child


Hello, amazing mothers of the Aspie Whisperer community! Today, we’re embarking on an educational journey, navigating the ins and outs of the school system with our ASD children. From

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Beyond the Classroom: Nurturing Growth Through Extracurriculars for Your ASD Child


Hello, wonderful mothers of the Aspie Whisperer community! Today, we’re diving into the world of extracurricular activities and how they can benefit our ASD children. From sports to arts

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High School Bound: A Mother’s Guide to Preparing Your ASD Child for the Next Adventure

Teen School

Hello, lovely mothers of the Aspie Whisperer community! Today, we’re embarking on a new journey – the transition to high school – with our ASD children. This can be

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Navigating the Social Spectrum: From Quiet Corners to Center Stage

Diverse social experiences of ASD children

Hello to all the incredible mums out there navigating the complex world of Autism Spectrum Disorder with grace and grit! Have you ever marveled at the wide array of

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Mind the Gap: Tailoring Education for Every Brain in the Family

Boys and Girls Learn Differently

Hello there, radiant mums of the Aspie Whisperer universe! Ever wondered why your boy can turn the living room into a jungle gym right after solving a math puzzle,

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Making the Grade: Navigating School Life for ASD Teens


Ready to turn the school maze into a walk in the park for your ASD teen? Let’s pack our bags with tips, tricks, and a good dose of mum-wit

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IEPs and Beyond: A Mom’s Guide to Navigating IEPs and Beyond Ensuring Your Aspie Child Gets the Support They Need to Thrive


As a mother of an Aspie child, you know that your child’s educational journey is unique. They may learn differently than their neurotypical peers, and they may have specific

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